Pyrolysis oil

Pyrolysis oil: compounds for green chemistry

What is pyrolysis oil?

Pyrolysis oil is a liquid substance obtained during subsequent cooling in the pyrolysis process. It is a complex blend of molecules usually consisting of more than 200 different compounds resulting from the depolymerization of products treated in pyrolysis.

Numerous potential application areas exist for biomass pyrolysis oil; with specific quality parameters for different uses.

Although waste pyrolysis oil often has a high lower heating value (LHV) of about 12–22 MJ/kg, further analyses are required to ensure stability and compatibility compared to existing petroleum-based fuels.

Pyrolysis oil is commonly used for heat production by direct combustion in boilers or furnaces. Another potential application involves using pyrolysis oil as a binder for biocoke production in the metallurgy industry.

Biogreen pyrolysis oil
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